Hey, does this sound familiar?
"I will never meet anyone else..."
"I cannot live without this person..."
"This keeps happening, what is wrong with me?"
Okay, whatever the thoughts are – you miss him or her,
you hate this feeling, you feel like crud – the issue
is that they repeat themselves over and over and…you
get the point.
How do you get your mind to stop this chatter?
It's as if your mind has another operator that
is simply ignoring your commands. You may even
be saying STOP to your thoughts as they come,
pulling your hair, and really, really trying not
to think about your pain and break up, but the
thoughts still show up at the most inopportune
First, understand you are not going crazy, this is
common post break-up behavior.
Next, the good part - there is a way to put an end
to nagging thoughts. Like your attachment to your ex,
your attachment to these thoughts has been hard
wired in your mind. The attachment has actually formed
pathways in your brain…ok, ok, I won't go into the
Let's get to the good stuff: techniques to overcome
repetitive negative thoughts.
The first method is to literally flip the thoughts
on their head with a more realistic, positive
statement. One of the statements I started with,
"I'm never going to meet anyone else" is a common
post-break up fear. If you step back and focus
within, you know that this is simply not true.
Whether you're a youngster or late into your years,
the likelihood of never meeting anyone else is,
well, zero. You will. So, the first statement that
you won't is an unrealistic one. The reason you keep
thinking about it over and over is because having a
broken heart HURTS and your subconscious mind is trying
to protect you from going through this pain ever again.
When you have a recurring negative thought, first
pause and take a moment. Thank your brain for
trying to protect you. I'm serious, actually say,
“Thanks brain, I got it, you're protecting me.” Then
rethink the thought in a more realistic method -
“The more likely outcome is that I will meet someone.”
In order to rewire your mind to reference the positive
thought and totally get rid of the negative one, write it
down. Each time you have the thought, flip it to the
realistic thought - in writing. Use sticky notes or use
your phone...writing it out will rewire that
stubborn mind of yours.
What I've been providing you thus far are mini-lessons.
The powerful techniques to overcome this heartache reside
here => http://healmybrokenheart.com/next
"I will never meet anyone else..."
"I cannot live without this person..."
"This keeps happening, what is wrong with me?"
Okay, whatever the thoughts are – you miss him or her,
you hate this feeling, you feel like crud – the issue
is that they repeat themselves over and over and…you
get the point.
How do you get your mind to stop this chatter?
It's as if your mind has another operator that
is simply ignoring your commands. You may even
be saying STOP to your thoughts as they come,
pulling your hair, and really, really trying not
to think about your pain and break up, but the
thoughts still show up at the most inopportune
First, understand you are not going crazy, this is
common post break-up behavior.
Next, the good part - there is a way to put an end
to nagging thoughts. Like your attachment to your ex,
your attachment to these thoughts has been hard
wired in your mind. The attachment has actually formed
pathways in your brain…ok, ok, I won't go into the
Let's get to the good stuff: techniques to overcome
repetitive negative thoughts.
The first method is to literally flip the thoughts
on their head with a more realistic, positive
statement. One of the statements I started with,
"I'm never going to meet anyone else" is a common
post-break up fear. If you step back and focus
within, you know that this is simply not true.
Whether you're a youngster or late into your years,
the likelihood of never meeting anyone else is,
well, zero. You will. So, the first statement that
you won't is an unrealistic one. The reason you keep
thinking about it over and over is because having a
broken heart HURTS and your subconscious mind is trying
to protect you from going through this pain ever again.
When you have a recurring negative thought, first
pause and take a moment. Thank your brain for
trying to protect you. I'm serious, actually say,
“Thanks brain, I got it, you're protecting me.” Then
rethink the thought in a more realistic method -
“The more likely outcome is that I will meet someone.”
In order to rewire your mind to reference the positive
thought and totally get rid of the negative one, write it
down. Each time you have the thought, flip it to the
realistic thought - in writing. Use sticky notes or use
your phone...writing it out will rewire that
stubborn mind of yours.
What I've been providing you thus far are mini-lessons.
The powerful techniques to overcome this heartache reside
here => http://healmybrokenheart.com/next
See you tomorrow with lesson 3 of 5: Constant Reminders be gone
Love & Light,
Love & Light,
Amelie Chance
Certified Coach of Positive Psychology
Heal My Broken Heart
P.S. If these mini-lessons resonate with you, then
the full healing lessons will accelerate your healing.
Certified Coach of Positive Psychology
Heal My Broken Heart
P.S. If these mini-lessons resonate with you, then
the full healing lessons will accelerate your healing.
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